Monday, 5 December 2022


Only You Are Responsible For Your PerOnly You Are Responsible For Your Personal Growth And Productivitysonal Growth And ProSpend Time With People Who InspLearn Something New Every DaySet Goals And Create A Plan To Achieve Themire And Motivate Youductivity


  1. Keep track of your time. ...
  2. 2 Amp up your downtime. ...
  3. 3 Dedicate a distraction-free zone. ...
  4. 4 Do one thing at a time. ...
  5. 5 Learn from the best (and the worst). ...
  6. 6 Avoid unnecessary meetings. ...
  7. 7 Hire someone to do it for you. ...
  8. 8 Finish what's almost done.


Track your time for at least a week.

Identify and eliminate bad habits.

Organize your workspace to eliminate time-sinks.

Make a list of goals you want to achieve.

Use a calendar and schedule to plan.

Categorize tasks based on their urgency and importance.

Do important tasks when you have the most energy.

Keep your focus in the moment.

Delegate tasks you don't need to do yourself.

Take frequent breaks to keep your mind fresh.


  1. Create a New Daily Plan. ...
  2. Create Time Intentionality. ...
  3. Prioritize. ...
  4. Schedule Time for “Dreaded” Tasks. ...
  5. Establish Task and Time Goals. ...
  6. Schedule in Down Time and Regular Breaks. ...
  7. Anticipate Roadblocks.


Conduct a Time Inventory

For two or three days, keep an hour-by-hour journal of how you spend your time. That includes work, exercise, meals, social media — even procrastination and avoidance.

Then, without judgment or self-criticism, review:

  • Where did your time go each day? How was it spent?
  • What times of day were the most productive?
  • When was your brain least energized? When was little accomplished?
  • Where were the pockets of “wasted time” that could be used more intentionally?

  Slide 1: Introduction Title: Why Personality Matters? Content: A positive personality helps in personal and professional success. It buil...